This stunning arrangement is made of lush roses, hydrangeas, ranunculus, baby roses, and stock flowers. Featured in our pearled Deluxe Fleurtina box, this enchanting beauty will add a cheerful spring note to any event.
Details: Fresh Florals, and a classy custom greeting card in an envelope
*Cadeau Collection: Backing of arrangement is closed and detailed off with a matching ribbon, making it the perfect gift to give.
Disclaimer - These are FRESH cut FLOWERS and are perishable. Please follow the care instructions in Fleur Care.
*Please note: While we try our best to deliver the exact arrangement pictured, it may not be identical to the photos shown on this page. We will do our best to use the same flowers (and vessel for vase arrangements) but may make substitutions due to seasonality and availability. Any substitutions will represent a similar aesthetic as shown in the photos on this page. Necessary substitutions will be at the designer’s discretion.
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